English articles made easy

23 Apr 2023

Tired of struggling to choose between "the" and "a/an"? We may well have a solution for you!!

This page presents the method we developed to teach English articles (a/an vs. the) to learners of English. This quick method is divided into multiple sessions that you need to follow in the correct order. It comprises two instructional videos and many exercises to familiarise yourself with English article use. Enjoy!

Learn English articles with us!

If you would like to try our learning method for English articles, please sign up using this link. Once you have signed up you will be contacted to confirm your access to our exercise platform.

We recommend that you do one session per day over four days, and give yourself a little break before trying the more challenging exercises. For example you could do session 1 on a Monday, session 2 on Tuesday, session 3 on Wednesday, session 4 on Thursday and wait until the following Monday to try the more challenging exercises at the end.

Session 1

For the first session, please start by watching this video.

Once you have watched the video attentively, please do the following exercises:

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5

Corrections and brief explanations for this set of exercises can be found here.

Session 2

For the second session, all you need is to do the following exercises, to practice what you learned in the previous session.

Exercise 6
Exercise 7
Exercise 8
Exercise 9

Corrections and brief explanations for this set of exercises can be found here.

Session 3

This section starts with a second instructional video that you will find here.

Once you have watched the video attentively, please do the following exercises:

Exercise 10
Exercise 11
Exercise 12

Corrections and brief explanations for this set of exercises can be found here.

Session 4

For session 4, you can simply do the following exercises:

Exercise 13
Exercise 14
Exercise 15
Exercise 16

Corrections and brief explanations for this set of exercises can be found here.

Now that you have completed the training sessions, you are encouraged to test your skills with the following set of exercises, which are a bit more challenging! Good luck :)

Exercise 17
Exercise 18
Exercise 19
Exercise 20
Exercise 21
Exercise 22

Corrections and brief explanations for this set of exercises can be found here.